The sixteen basic browser colors

Standard RGB values for the Sixteen Basic Named Colors have not been defined. Thus, though the names are standardized, the colors themselves may appear somewhat different in different browsers. Also, the halftones are *not* browser-safe and undoubtedly appear somewhat different in different browsers. And I have to wonder why cyan is called aqua, and why purple isn't 100% red plus 100% blue, and, perhaps strangest of all, why green is usually only 50% green, with 100% green being called lime, and ... Oh, well, here are the names and their kinda sorta standard values...

#000000black #C0C0C0silver
#800000maroon #FF0000red
#008000green #00FF00lime
#000080navy #0000FFblue
#808000olive #FFFF00yellow
#800080purple #FF00FFfuchsia
#008080teal #00FFFFaqua
#808080gray #FFFFFFwhite
6 Julio 2000 modifita, de Ailanto verkita.